Stark Publishing Solutions (OLD)

The Stark Publishing Solutions series of books draw upon more than a quarter century of work in the writing, publishing and bookselling world.

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The 7 P’s of Publishing Success

What seven traits do the most successful authors have in common? Which strategic approaches can have the most positive effect on your author career? Where should you focus your energy and effort for maximum results? How do these components work together to help you forge a powerful path through publishing?

Available in eBook, Audiobook (Narrated by Author) Synthetic Audiobook (AI Voice) and PRINT

Killing It On Kobo

Do you want to increase your overall sales and visibility on Kobo? Are you having trouble gaining any traction or growing your reader base outside the Kindle store? Wouldn’t it be empowering not to be dependent upon a single retailer for the majority of your eBook income?

Killing It On Kobo is an in-depth, heart-felt and eye-opening series of insights collected in a single volume to give you full access to information and proven strategies that you can use to maximize your own sales and ultimate success selling through Kobo.

Available in eBook and PRINT

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An Author’s Guide to Working with Libraries & Bookstores

Any author can get their book listed in an online catalog. But what if you want more? What if you want to rise above the digital masses and be relevant to booksellers and librarians? In today’s digital age of publishing, it’s easy to get your book listed on major retail and library sites around the world. But what about taking it to the next level and engaging efficiently and effectively with booksellers and librarians? That’s where you, and this book, come in.

Available in eBook and PRINT

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Wide for the Win (Jan 2021)

Are you looking for ways to stop being dependent upon only Amazon for your author earnings income?

Are you hoping to expand and grow your sales on multiple platforms in global territories?

Do you need strategies to help you get started NOW in terms of creating a successful “publish wide” author plan?

Would you like to increase and optimize your sales on Apple Books, Kobo, Nook, Google Play and more?

Then WIDE FOR THE WIN is the book for you.

Coming Jan 2021 – eBook pre-order

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