
This landing page contains resources, info & other helpful downloads and links for members of CAPS 2018 Convention related to writing and publishing.


Mark’s Presentation from CAPS 2018: Successfully Navigating Your Publishing Goals

The presentation is best accompanied by the 20 minute audio presentation (when that becomes available). And a warning: The 20 minutes was an attempt to pack more than 20 years of industry experience into 20 minutes.

It is a bit of a fire-hose of information. But if you need help on how to deal with a fire-hose of information, well, I have a podcast episode that focuses on that exact thing: How To Deal With A Firehose of Information).




The 7 P’s of Publishing Success is a look at the common traits and strategies

that the most successful authors use. It uses examples from both traditional publishing and self-publishing to outline how Practice, Professionalism, Patience, Progression, Persistence, Partnership, Patronage (and even a bonus P: Promotion) can help guide you on your writing and publishing journey.

Click here to download The 7 P’s of Publishing Success for free via Bookfunnel.

Please consider leaving an HONEST review on the eBook retailer of your choice. THANKS.


Link to The 7 P’s of Publishing Success on all retailer sites:

Do you want to increase your overall sales and visibility on Kobo? Are you having trouble gaining any traction or growing your reader base outside the Kindle store? Wouldn’t it be empowering not to be dependent upon a single retailer for the majority of your eBook income?

Link to Killing It On Kobo on all retailer sites

NO TIME TO READ THE ENTIRE BOOK ABOUT KOBO? You can sign up to receive a free 10 day email course on KOBO HACKS FOR OPTIMIZING SALES.

The emails are less than 500 words and many contain images to provide an overview and introduction to Kobo in the first couple of emails, then a look at ways to optimize and sell more.

(It’s basically the “Reader’s Digest” or “Coles Notes” version of KILLING IT ON KOBO) – you can enjoy a shorter version of the same insights for FREE… time and money…..


Mark’s YouTube Videos for Writers

Stark Reflections on Writing & Publishing (Playlist)

Tips for Writers (Playlist)


Reflections on Digital Publishing

Understanding the cost and return on investment in publishing an eBook

Tips on preparing for a radio or podcast interview

A Super Brief History of Publishing


Other Great Resources for Writers



Weekly Writing Inspiration

Weekly quotes about the writing life, send every Sunday.


Webinar Replay (Reedsy Facebook Page) – Kobo Publishing: Getting Your Book Featured

Join Kobo’s former Director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations Mark Leslie Lefebvre as he gives a personal tour of Kobo Writing Life and shows you how to get your book featured in their stores.

Adapted from a series of presentations Mark has done on the opportunities that exist for writers. A high level overview of the business of writing and publishing. (And don’t worry – the frozen screen is not Mark looking down his nose or sneering, but just a middle-aged man desperately trying to read the question on the screen without his reading glasses on)

Join Kobo's former Director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations Mark Leslie Lefebvre as he gives a personal tour of Kobo Writing Life and shows you how to get your book featured in their stores.

Posted by Reedsy on Wednesday, December 5, 2018